The integrated practices of yoga support the cultivation of health and life by transforming the negative patterns of mind and behavior. As the practitioner deepens awareness of the strength and power within, she gains a profound understanding that the outer is a mirror reflection of the inner. The results and products of this integrated approach are noticed as a sharper intellect, a stronger will, a healthier body, a more spacious and calm mind, as well as a robust spiritual immune system, sustained energy to overcome stress, and more joy and contentment.

Yoga Health Education, AKA Yoga Therapy

Yoga Health Education — Personalized lifestyle practices for mind body integration, harmonized to the needs and desires of each individual client.

Defined by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, IAYT, “Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of yoga. …

The goals of yoga therapy include:

  • eliminating, reducing, and/or managing symptoms that cause suffering

  • improving function

  • helping to prevent the occurrence or re-occurrence of underlying causes of illness

  • moving toward improved health and well-being.”

According to the Sivananda school of Yoga Health Education, “the foundation of a healthy yoga life is composed of the 5 Points of Holistic Yoga for Integral Health:

  • proper exercise

  • proper breathing

  • proper relaxation

  • proper diet

  • positive thinking and meditation.”

These are the ancient, yet sound, pillars of what is now coming to the forefront of modern medicine—lifestyle medicine.